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ANAFIM — 2024-2025

ANAFIM — A Community Teen Program

ANAFIM, the Hebrew word for branches, was chosen as the name of our community teen program to signify how our teens are rooted in their home communities, while branching out together to form a blossoming tree of life and learning. The program is led in partnership between Ohr Shalom and Temple Sinai, and is open to teens from all three Summit synagogues, joining together to bring teen learning to life! ANAFIM includes dinner, core classes, electives, and travel opportunities.

ANAFIM is designed to broaden teens’ Jewish community by connecting with Jewish teens beyond their home synagogue, and deepen their Jewish identities through dynamic Jewish learning and service and social opportunities.

Flexible Enrollment Options 
ANAFIM runs on a trimester system, which means that students in Grades 8, 9, 11, and 12 can choose to enroll in one, two, or all three trimesters. Each trimester will feature stand-alone curricula so that students are able to complete an entire unit regardless of how they choose to enroll. This system offers flexibility for teens with busy or complicated schedules.

Weekly programming takes place on Tuesday evenings from 6:00-8:00 p.m., starting with a communal dinner each week.

  • Fall term:  Sept 10–Nov 19

  • Winter term: Dec 3–Feb 25

  • Spring term: March 11–May 13

ANAFIM will be hosted by Congregation Ohr Shalom from September 10 through January 21. Temple Sinai will take over hosting duties on January 21 through the end of the year.

Click here to download this calendar in higher resolution. 

Classes offered for the 5785 School Year

  • Grades 8/9: Jewish History, a Jewish Lens on Civil Rights (connected with 8/9 travel experience), Jewish Responses to Hunger and Food Insecurity
  • Grade 10*: This year, a newly revamped curriculum! Throughout the year, 10th Grade students learn with the Clergy and Education Directors from different synagogues to encourage Jewish thought and increase religious and cultural awareness leading up to Confirmation.
  • Grade 11: Mussar for Teens, Comparative Judaism, In-depth Israel Study
  • Grade 12: Comparative Religion, Shaping an Image of God, Jewish Adulthood: Moving into the “Real World”
  • Electives: Electives change each trimester, and are chosen based on the strengths of the teachers and requests/interests of the teens. Past electives have included: Spirituality and Meditation, Israeli Art and Artists, Cooking, Jewish Children’s Literature, Talmud Study, and more!
Due to the nature of the Confirmation year, students in 10th Grade must enroll for the entire school year. If your 10th grader has other commitments or activities that would prevent them from participating for the entire year, please be in touch as soon as possible. Confirmation services typically occur on Erev Shavuot, which will take place on Sunday evening, June 1, 2025. 10th Grade students otherwise participate fully in the communal aspects of the program, including dinner, electives, and special programming.

Immersive Experiences
  • Grade 8/9: This year’s 8th and 9th Grade students are invited to take a Civil Rights Journey to Georgia and Alabama with Etgar 36. On this trip, they spend four days learning about the American Civil Rights Movement, meeting individuals who witnessed pivotal events, and visiting historical sites and museums. This year’s trip will be held on Presidents Day weekend, February 13-16, 2025

    To learn more about the Etgar 36 Civil Rights Journey, click here.

    Please note: The winter term for 8th-9th Grade will be focused on content related to the trip, so we highly encourage signing up for both!

  • 10th graders will have the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C. to attend the Religious Action Center's L'taken Seminar, February 21-24, 2025. This experience is open to 11th- and 12th-grade students as well, with preference given to Confirmation students. Tracks for first-timers and returning participants are offered.
  • 11th- and 12th-grade students will be offered the opportunity to experience Jewish Philadelphia! A short distance away, this trip is designed to give students varied, fun, and hopefully new Jewish experiences in a new city! Date TBA.
Day trips to local destinations and service opportunities for all grades may also be offered throughout the year. Stay tuned for these opportunities as they arise!

Questions?  Please contact either of the following individuals:

Rabbi Shira Gluck, Associate Rabbi and Director of Congregational Learning, Temple Sinai
Meredith Lubin, Director of Education, Congregation Ohr Shalom

It is our belief that cost should never be a barrier to Jewish education. If you are in need of subsidies, please be in touch with either Meredith Lubin or Rabbi Gluck.

This is for internal purposes only — we will never share your teen's contact information without permission.
This is for internal purposes only — we will never share your teen's contact information without permission.
Tuition includes $50 food fee per term.
I hereby grant permission to ANAFIM, a collaboration of Congregation BethHaTikvah (CBH), Congregation Ohr Shalom (COS), and Temple Sinai (TS), to use this teen’s photographic likeness, alone or in a group, in any internal publication and/or to release this child’s/these children’s photographic likeness to any newspapers and/or magazines for publicity and/or recognition purposes relating to CBH, COS, and TS. I understand that the teen will never be identified by name without express permission. Additionally, I extend this permission to use this teen’s photographic likeness, alone or in a group, on the official websites of CBH, COS, and TS. I release CBH, COS, and TS, its board members, employees, agents, servants, representatives and all organizations and individuals related to CBH, COS, and TS from any and all liabilities or damages that result from the use of this teen’s photographic likeness on the official websites or publications of CBH, COS, and TS. I represent that I am authorized to act on behalf of this child/these children. My permission shall remain in effect unless and until revoked by me and communicated in writing.
Fri, February 7 2025 9 Sh'vat 5785