Donor Directed Funds
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Temple Sinai is committed to Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam – acts of giving, kindness and repairing the world. This commitment provides a wonderful way of honoring or remembering those we love. Your support of these funds will provide Temple Sinai with opportunities for caring, learning, remembering, branching out, and deeds of loving kindness.
To support programs to educate Temple members about Israel
Beatrice and Ludwig Muhlfelder Library Fund
To fund the purchase of items for the library
Carole and Malcolm Schwartz Caring Congregation Fund
To provide support needed to congregants due to extraordinary circumstances, spiritual guidance or for objects required for religious rituals, prayer and study
Cooper-Bernstein Scholar in Residence Fund of Temple Sinai
To provide funding for a visiting scholar for a weekend of learning
David Raskin Caring Community
To provide grants, interest free loans, or other financial support to members of our Temple family in need because of serious illness, physical limitations, or bereavement
Diana Burn Rosen Fund
To underwrite celebration and welcome events for new Temple members
Early Childhood Education Endowment Fund
To support special programming for the Early Childhood Education Program (ECEP) students and families, professional development opportunities for ECEP teachers, and enhancements to ECEP learning spaces.
Funds - to support school and community needs
- Rabbi Glazer's Discretionary
- Cantor Fair's Discretionary
- Early Childhood Director
- ECEP Fundraising and Class Dues
- Religious School Fundraising
- Executive Director
- Rabbi Gluck Director of Congregational Learning
To purchase artifacts for the Holocaust Remembrance Center and to supplement educational programming about the Holocaust
Israel Trip Scholarship
To provide scholarships to all enrolled 9th – 12th grade high school students and to partially underwrite “qualified trips to Israel”
Lawrence J. and Helene M. Gonzer Youth
To support, supplement and/or enrich the Temple’s youth programs
Life Long Learning
To enhance adult learning by providing support for educational programs on issues that are important to American Jews
Marvin Mesnick College Scholarship
To provide a college scholarship to a student who has been confirmed and is a candidate for Religious School graduation
Music Fund
To support and enrich the Temple’s music programs
New Year Appeal
Rabbi Kasdan Social Justice
To support, supplement, and enrich Temple programs in furtherance of social justice
Rabbi Stuart Gershon Legacy Fund
To support activities consistent with Rabbi Gershon’s commitment to Temple Sinai as determined by the Board, including Jewish Outreach, Congregational Care, Jewish Education, and Tikkun Olam
Temple Sinai Long Term Endowment
To ensure Temple Sinai's strong and vibrant future.
Traurig Religious School
To support, supplement and or enrich any budgeted expenses for all grades of the Temple’s religious school
Trees for Temple Sinai
Help to beautify Temple grounds and the environment
Tribute Fund
Support where the Temple needs it most
In loving memory of family and friends