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Sinai’s Ukrainian Refugee Project

The Temple has always stood for compassion and supporting those in need. In response to the war in Ukraine, our Temple’s Welcome Circle (WC) and core group of 40+ volunteers are driving the sponsorship of a Jewish Ukrainian refugee family’s resettlement in the U.S.  

Our WC has been working through HIAS (founded as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society). Like it did over the course of the 20th century, HIAS continues to play an important role in offering hope to displaced persons.

“Our family arrived in Munich in the fall of 1945, after crossing two borders illegally, as Displaced Persons (“DP”). My Father contacted HIAS, where Rabbi Bloom was in charge of trying to help the DP’s from many countries. Rabbi Bloom and his American team had difficulties communicating with the DP’s from many countries, and when the Rabbi met my father, a lawyer who spoke 7 languages, he invited him to join in the organization of the service. Father joined HIAS, and after the organization was set up, and the first transports of the DP’s were on the way to the US and other countries, HIAS sponsored us to the United States.”

~ Selma Rossen, Sinai Past President

With assistance from HIAS and other local synagogues, our WC now has an opportunity to reunite Svitlana and David Tkach with their extended family in America. We can give Svitlana and David a chance at a new life far away from the horrific war. 

Tikkun Olam and tzedakah are at the core of this multi-generational project. 

To offer them a fresh start, our WC will be providing financial assistance for their resettlement, housing, education, and essential needs. Interested in helping? Click here to make a monetary donation and here to donate pantry and home-goods items.
100% of the funds raised to date will support this family. Unspent funds will be returned to donors or used to fund a second family.  

Our WC also needs volunteers.  If you are interested in volunteering for any of the following committees, contact  Eric Barr or Ian Singer.

  • Housing & Basic Needs
  • Benefits & Healthcare Needs
  • Welcoming & Local Orientation Needs
  • Education & Language Needs - WE NEED UKRAINIAN/RUSSIAN SPEAKERS
  • Employment Needs
  • Documentation & Legal Needs  

Together we can give them hope and a chance to rebuild their lives.  

Hillel, the renowned first-century scholar said, “If not you, then who?  If not now, when?”  His inspirational words are especially relevant today. 

Welcome Tkach Family to the United States

David enjoying books at the Springfield Public Library - thank you Bonnie Lafazan for helping to get the family library cards

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784