Exploring The Jewish Calendar
Rabbi Shira Gluck
Sundays from 9:30 - 11:30am
Join Rabbi Gluck on Sunday mornings for an exploration of Jewish time. We will be learning about the Jewish holidays: Where they come from, how we observe them, and how we can experience them in meaningful ways communally and at home. Each standalone session will be held in advance of the holiday in question. Feel free to come to as many as you like — no prior knowledge required and all are welcome.
Sept 29: Rosh HaShanah & Yom Kippur
Oct 20: Sukkot and Simchat Torah
Dec 15: Chanukah
Mar 16: Pesach
Apr 27: Israeli National Holidays & Shavuot
Register Here
How to Read the Bible: Or, Why Jews Aren’t Fundamentalists
Rabbi Joseph Skloot
November 17 and 24, December 8 from 9:30 - 11:30am
The Bible plays an outsize role in contemporary American culture; its choice verses are often quoted and it is regularly invoked as the glue that binds a so-called “Judeo-Christian culture” together. And yet, Jews and Christians disagree about the books their Bibles contain and the techniques and practices they use to read those books. How did the Bible come to be? What distinguishes Jewish Bible study? And why should the (Jewish) Bible matter for us and for America today? Join us as we explore these questions over three Sunday mornings this Fall.
Function and Flow: Understanding Our Friday Night Services
Rabbi Erin Glazer and Cantor David Fair
January 26, Feb. 2, Feb. 9, 2025 from 9:30 - 11:30am
Why do we bow? When do we stand? Is Aleinu always at the end? Does the order of prayers really matter? How can I follow along? Does music change the meaning of a prayer? Join us as we study and sing our way through an Erev Shabbat service, learning more about the function and flow of our liturgy and uncovering hidden gems along the way.
Tu biShvat Seder and Learning
Feb. 2, 2025
Some Important Questions Judaism Can Help You Answer
Dave Mollen
March 25, April 1, & 8, 2025
Join Temple Sinai member Dave Mollen for a lunch-and-learn series that will address perennial human questions such as “how can I be a stronger, more effective person?”; “Do we have free will?”; and “why should I pray?”
Cooper-Bernstein Scholar In Residence
March 28 - 29, 2025
Dr. Frances Malino: discussing the novel Mazaltob by Blanche Bendaham
An annual program for in-depth learning and engagement with a guest scholar, made possible through the generosity of member Alyse Cooper. Past scholars-in-residence include: acclaimed author Dara Horn and dean of Hebrew Union College's Los Angeles campus, Joshua Holo.
Lunch and Learn
Monthly offerings during the program year — typically presented as a three-part series taught by clergy and occasional guest instructors. Tuesdays at noon. BYO lunch; coffee and tea on us!
Healing Wisdom from the Twenty-Third Psalm
Rabbi Erin Glazer
Nov. 26, Dec. 3, Dec. 10, 2024
Together we will explore the text of Psalm 23 and the ways in which these fifteen lines from the Hebrew Bible comfort the grieving and calm the fearful. Rabbi Harold Kushner, author of The Lord Is My Shepherd, describes the psalm this way: “In just a few lines, it conveys the distilled wisdom of generations, offering us a way of seeing the world that renders it less frightening, teaching us to deal with the loss of people we love and with conflict with people who don’t like us or treat us badly. It shows us how to recognize the presence of God at times and in places where we might think God was absent or when we might be so distracted by our own concerns that we would overlook God’s presence.” Psalm 23 might be just what we need right now.
Exploring Jewish Black Americans Musicians
Cantor David Fair
Feb. 11, 18, 25, 2025
Join Cantor Fair as we learn about the contributions of Jewish Black Americans, including Joshua Nelson, Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell, Nissim Black, Yitz Jordan (Y-Love), and Rabbi Sandra Lawson. We’ll learn about their life stories and how their music is making a unique stamp on the landscape of Jewish American Music.
Some Important Questions Judaism Can Help You Answer
Dave Mollen
March 25, April 1, April 8, 2025
Join Temple Sinai member Dave Mollen for a lunch-and-learn series that will address perennial human questions such as “how can I be a stronger, more effective person?”; “Do we have free will?”; and “why should I pray?”
T’kumah: How Israel Became a State
Rabbi Shira Gluck
April 22, April 29, May 6, 2025
While the connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel goes back thousands of years to the very beginning of our tradition, Zionism as a political movement emerged only in the 19th century. Join us as we examine cultural, social and political trends, and key moments in modern history that led to the establishment of Israel as the Jewish State.
Weekly Torah Study
Saturday at 8:45am - in person and on Zoom
II Kings and Isaiah
Women's Torah Study
A way for women to study and discuss Torah from a female perspective. No advance knowledge required, all women welcome. Sessions are facilitated by Sandy Schlanger RJE.
12:30pm in the Board Room: Sept 23, Oct 28, Nov 18, Dec 16, Feb 24, Mar 24, Apr 28, May 19, Jun 23
Wise Aging
A program designed to meet the social, emotional, and spiritual needs of Jewish seekers entering second adulthood.
Monthly from 2:30 - 4:30pm on Thursdays
You will be guided through reflective work that enables you to come to new understandings about your life, self, values, and Jewish practices. Learning modes include text study, active listening, mindfulness meditation, mindful movement, reflection, and journaling. We will learn, share experiences, and acquire skills for making changes in our lives that will lead to a deeper sense of well-being.
Please register here.
Sisterhood Book Group
Quarterly discussions of a selection of either literature or non-fiction with Jewish content. In person and Zoom options — all are welcome!
If All The Seas Were Ink, discussion with Rabbi Gluck
Nov. 11, 7:30 - 9:00pm. In person or via Zoom.
Dear Eliza, discussion with the author, Sinai member Andrea Stein
Feb. 10, 7:30 - 9:00pm. In person or via Zoom.
Brotherhood “Torah on Tap” - 7:30pm
Nov. 11 with Cantor Fair
Jan. 29 with Rabbi Gluck
March 11 with Rabbi Glazer